Thursday, May 10, 2007

June 27, a day to remember!

I watched the Tony Blair speech live as he announced his intention to resign from office on 27 June 2007. I was non-plussed by his oration. It was as if he was still trying to gain the popular vote by almost admitting, but not quite, that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake, whilst at the same time reiterating that it was not.

‘I have always done what I thought was right’, will always be a poor excuse for going to war on fabricated intelligence and he will leave the bloody aftermath of the initial conflict as his lasting legacy.

Was it too much to ask of him to say that on this occasion he had got it totally wrong and life is no better for any of us without Saddam at such a high price?

Tony Blair himself said that Saddam could remain in power if it be proved that he had no WMD. Well he didn’t, and our Prime Minister now leaves the mess that is Iraq to the US and its coalition of the gullible.

1997 was such a promising year for this country and the Labour Party; Tony Blair appeared to be just the man to take the country forward, unfortunately he had the balls to go to war because he thought he was ‘right’ but he did not possess enough spunk to stand up against the looney in the Oval Office.


At 4:47 am , Blogger Normy said...

The looney in the Oval Office has made this country ten times worse off than it was before he was elected. I still can't believe "the people" re-elected him!! Not only are we in an unjust war, and the national debt is staggering, but everything that both the Senate and House pass law-wise, he vetoes if it conflicts with his moral beliefs. That's not a democracy! He continues to make this country even more hated and ridiculed around the world, and is too damned stupid to realize it.

At 8:37 pm , Blogger Normy said...

Wish you would post more often! Just to prove my point on the last message I left, Mr. Bush once again vetoed a stem cell research bill that the Senate and House both approved. That has to be at least the third time he's done that. It conflicts with his moral beliefs... but you know, people can make stem cells without killing embryos. Hence the need for more research. We're talking about saving lives here... oh wait I forgot. How many people a week die over in Iraq?

At 8:02 pm , Blogger old enough to moan said...

Thank you for leaving a comment Normy; and yes you are right, I should post more often, I will make the effort to post more.


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