Thursday, April 09, 2009

Health update

The Bell’s Palsy is not getting any worse and you could say the same about me but it is still not getting any easier. I am able to get out of bed after breakfast and come down stairs but I am doing very little after that at the moment as the pains are getting worse.

I am back to using more of the OxyNorm medication as a top-up to combat the pain. We are on a break soon and I am hoping that my condition does not get any worse, I would be happy for it to get better but to be honest looking at it realistically I will settle for the former.

On a good note our family are all grand and our girls are busy getting on with their lives, which is how it should be. They were with us yesterday evening as we discussed the treatments they may want at the Hotel Spa we have arranged to go to. [I will post more about that around the time of going.]

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