Thursday, June 04, 2009

A mini-break or two

A quick visit to see my GP today to have medication for water retention, still have swollen ankles but not as bad as they were, and more medication to alleviate the pains from constipation that can be excruciating at times.

I am hoping the next three days, when we are boating on the Norfolk Broads, will be as good as the last two have been for me; that way the mini-break should be good for everyone involved. I shall therefore not be online until the beginning of next week, so cheerio for now as I make hay whilst the sun shines, or in our case as it drizzles with rain.

If this weekend proves successful we are hoping to have many more times away between chemotherapy sessions.
A friend has offered the load of his caravan on a seasonal site for a weekend.
We are thinking of travelling to Scotland stopping off along the way via Bed and Breakfast establishments.
A trip to Ireland would be in order as I would love to take my wife to Dublin.


Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Chemotherapy #3

A good day once again as I only required one nurse [and I got the best in Rose] who only needed the one needle and one attempt once again so either I am getting better or the nurses of been retrained in how to deal with patients like me and veins like mine.
I told her to put the needle underneath [underside of my arm] as I do not like it on top, to which she giggled and made me blush!

Felt extremely tired yesterday evening after my chemo session and that has continued today so much so that when we went on a family ‘walk’ I was encouraged to use my wheelchair for the return journey, which I did. Not only was it new to me but also to my daughter who pushed me uphill most of the way. Oh, and nearly out of the chair up the road kerb sides!
You do not realise just how bumpy the pavements are until you are in a wheel chair.

Joined the We are Macmillan. Cancer support website


Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Bloods OK – Monday 1 June

A good day yesterday in and out quickly for blood tests with a really nice and talkative nurse who appeared pleased to have someone to have a sensible conversation with and someone who doesn’t moan too much, Me?!
Let’s hope the chemo goes the same way today and I have nothing to moan about later on today.
